Kasia Kmita, in her Portrait Studio, creates paintings that approach portraiture in an incredibly modern and original manner. Drawing from her extensive experience in paper cutting, Kmita has developed her unique way of presenting a subject that has undeniably existed in art since its inception: the portrait. Her approach to the subject involves a synthetic portrayal of the most characteristic features of the individual, achieved through the simplicity of cut lines in an excellent manner. The portrait is crafted using multiple layers of paper, cardboard, creating a sense of spaciousness, and then painted with oil or acrylic on canvas. This technique is executed in a way that convincingly resembles the relief of paper-cut forms. Kasia Kmita creates portraits based on submitted photographs or, by prior arrangement, through sketches developed during individual posing sessions at her studio.
Portraits- cut-outs
Portraits- painted
©2025 Kasia Kmita